Why do I write?
“Hier stehe ich. Ich kann nicht anders”
- Martin Luther
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The body that sustains the AI brain
TL;DR: A data plant is the field on which an entrepreneurial AI effort can play out. It is important enough for business to make it a first-order planning goal.
Flotsam Peddlers
TL;DR: How should we search for our own voice? Some ideas regarding inspiration, iteration and feedback.
On suffocation
TL;DR: Opportunism will undermine the society’s very structure until it breaks down; bad times are coming.
Gee, Officer Elon
TL;DR: We examine Twitter’s shipwreck to illustrate the notion of a wicked problem
Most of them are dead wrong
TL;DR: Bad times tell very poignantly those with a clue from those without.
Failure is my Profession
TL;DR: learn from failures, especially inconsequential. Incorporate what you’ve learnt into your decisions. And be nice to people.
The Positive Preference Pyramid
TL;DR: Loyalty is the glue holding organizations together; when let loose, it is a deadly poison.
Sing of That Person, Graduate of Contending Studies
TL;DR: Employers’ focus on academic background is mostly about contending skills.
What does success even mean for Israeli tech firms?
TL;DR: Israeli tech businesses typically don’t grow into successful American corporations. Here’s how they can win in a different sense of the word.
Why is Isaac Brik angry?
TL;DR: Optics ain’t much when it comes to life and death.
Should you care?
TL;DR: Caring is a necessary condition for survival; not all organizations prioritize that.
Developing cures is nobody's job
TL;DR: Healthcare practice, research and financing are organically intolerant towards innovation - even when it’s high-benefit and low-risk.
Why leave a job? Why take up a job?
TL;DR: Stick exclusively with people who can be trusted with your professional well-being.
A fateful decision on choosing a SW stack - in 4D
TL;DR: A walkthrough of how to make the right choice of a SW stack for a project
GitHub Actions as a data leak vector
TL:DR: The GitHub Actions (GHA) security model is broken, and in many cases may allow escalating an “ordinary developer” level of access into obtaining infrastructure credentials sufficient to inject malicious artifacts into trusted repositories
Tackling 4D Chess
TL;DR: How to make good decisions when talent is scarce and expertise even scarcer?
Choosing a technology as a decision on The Team You're Gonna Have
TL;DR: Choosing a technology is really a statement about future organizational culture and structure.
Overcoming one's golden age
TL;DR: that “golden age” you’d had 10 years ago might be what’s holding you back now
On Positions of Trust - Part II: What About You?
TL;DR: How to know if you’re having the right professional relationships? A few questions to consider.
On Positions of Trust - Part I: Reverse Engineering the Rocketman
TL;DR: Three key questions: Who trusts you? To do what? Why?
The Meta/FB downturn as a case of the McNamara Disease
TL;DR: A culture that obsesses over improving metrics loses the ability to disrupt.
The real two questions you must ask before making a career change
TL;DR: you’re never choosing a Mission; you’re choosing a Career Slice, all strings attached.
What it takes to be Changing the World as a Job
TL;DR: How to set oneself up to be a minor part of a major noble undertaking
What Should Startups Learn from Cactus 1549?
TL:DR: Cognitive Offloading is the behavior that makes strartups tick - or not
The Big Tech Job As A Tradeoff
TL;DR: Pros: a lot of money and a great CV line. Cons: professional rot and a mental health hazard.
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